Category: Byzantine
Chant Type: Byzantine
Language: Greek
1. The Noble Joseph
2. First stasis of the Praises
3. Second stasis of the Praises
4. Third stasis of the Praises
5. Joseph begged Thy holy body
6. First Ode of the Canon
7. Third Ode of the Canon
8. Thy tom, O Saviour
9. Fourth Ode of the Canon
10. Fifth Ode of the Canon
11. Sixth Ode of the Canon
12. Kontakion, Oikos & Synaxarion
13. Seventy Ode of the Canon
14. Eighth Ode of the Canon
15. Ninth Ode of the Canon
16. As the sun hid
As with all Vatopedi recordings, the quality and clarity of the recording is superb. This recording offers the traditional hymns of Holy Saturday, and both a contemporary and ancient setting of Behold the Bridegroom Cometh. The Musical School of the Holy Monastery of Vatopaidi is one of the cradles of Byzantine music. It has endowed the monastery with a history of cantors, a rich library of books and manuscripts, a collection of recordings, and a rich tradition of chant which is continued by the contemporary choir of Vatopedi fathers. This recording of the Holy Saturday Service, sung in the traditional Athonite fashion and recorded live in the monastery is another monument.
Review by Benjamin Williams